Monday, June 15, 2009

first day!


It's june!
and what's with june? hmmm.
its another first.

June 15.
First day of school, first day of summer vacation's end. First day of the so-longed and loved allowances, first day of meeting the mentors (and perhaps, tormentors? lol.), first day of seeing a new hot guy, or even just the boy in the other class who wears that extremely cute smile.

Lots of firsts, especially to those freshmen, transferees, or kids who just started their sojourn into the world of knowledge, frustration, excitement, and growing.

This first day of school is just another of the first days I've had for years.
Not exactly the same though.

First thing, we had this orientation given by our clinical instructors, and what most to expect? We were given an idea of how we will spend the 1st semester of our second year in the Nursing Department. Isn't it a good way to greet the first day of school? lol.

Anyhow, the orientation went well, and for the relief of everyone, the supposed-to-be 8 pm dismissal was shortened to a half day! wheew. Luckily,we were not doing the dusting of the Nursing Arts! 'twas a relief. ;p

The day went with all the excitement, surprise, and eagerness.

first day of school.

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